All You Can Jet

JetBlue was giving away an All You Can Jet Pass, a golden ticket, for a year of unlimited free travel. But just because it’s free doesn’t mean it comes cheap.
To enter, we asked contestants to delete their Instagram feeds full of past memories for the opportunity to make new ones around the world.

Step 1: Delete, Delete, Delete
Social media keeps us living in past experiences. But we wanted people to get excited about the future ones they could have with All You Can Jet.
That’s why, to enter the contest, we asked followers to delete their entire Instagram feed.
Over 28,000 people deleted thousands of their photos.
Then they posted a single one of ours.
Step 2: Fill in the Blank
Once everyone’s feed was blank, it was time to start filling it in. We created a simple online tool that allowed participants to create their own “All You Can Jet” Instagram posts.
So whether it was - All You Can Street Food, All You Can Surf, or All You Can Long Distance Girlfriend - the internet showed us their unique way they would use an All You Can Jet pass.
Step 3: Get Noticed
Over 28 thousand people don’t just delete their instagram without the world taking notice.
This was JetBlue’s most covered campaign to date. Resulting in $2.5 million in earned media (8x our budget), 1.8 billion impressions, 20,000 new Instagram followers, and 9% in “first choice” with non JetBlue customers.